Team Tuesday: Meet Erinn

featured employee of the week: Erinn

Role: TWR’s very first employee—she can do it all!

  • Astrological sign? Cancer. Talk to Morgan about all of your astrological needs, she’s a wealth of knowledge!

  • Music, mediation or podcast in the sauna? I always liked to switch it up between music and a podcast but lately I’ve been enjoying the silence. I’ve found the quiet time during my sauna to be super beneficial for focusing on my breath and self reflection.

  • What's one song you can't get out of your head? Matoma- Sunday Morning...shout out to Ashleigh for this one!

  • Go-to snack or meal post sauna? I love an iced Dandy Revival with almond milk to continue my post sauna detox. But also Tomo!

  • Which chromotherapy sets the mood for your sauna sesh? I’ve tried ‘em all but always come back to green. I love the grounding and balancing effect that green offers. It also sometimes makes me feel like I’m in nature which is a feeling I find myself craving often.

  • Post sauna shower: hot or cold? Let’s go with warm. The cold scares me. I have tried to hop in a cold shower because I know it can be beneficial for many reasons but it’s a real challenge for me. Definitely something I want to work up to though!

  • Which TWR drink best matches/describes your personality? This is a tricky one. I think the Exhilarate is a pretty good match...a lil spicy and a lil sweet. You get that warming spice blend of turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon balanced out with the sweetness of pineapple, banana, and a date.

  • Favorite thing about working at TWR? I absolutely love the community that TWR is. I have always had passion for wellness and working at TWR has not only nurtured my personal growth within the world of wellness but it has also fostered connections that will last a lifetime. Being a part of people’s healing journey and self care routine is something pretty special. Additionally, I really love the TWR team. I feel so fortunate to be a part of a team that is motivated to learn, grow, and help others. We also have a TON of fun together!

  • Self-care essential you can't live without? 🤍Sauna, duh! Haha. But because I can’t have just one self-care essential, one of my other favorites is a long walk! Whether it’s through the city or on a nature trail, by myself or with others, I just love a walk. It helps me to feel present and relaxed.

Ashleigh Stewart