Team Tuesday: Meet Nona

featured employee of the week: Nona

Role: TWR's Assistant Manager, self care expert and ashleigh’s right hand woman in recipe development!

  • Astrological sign? Aries, April 7th 

  • Music, mediation or podcast in the sauna? No music- I like to zone out and enjoy the sauna 

  • What's one song you can't get out of your head? Sunny by Biig Piig

  • Go-to snack or meal post sauna? Meal post sauna is def Tomo (local old city sushi byo restaurant so close to TWR!) Anything with unagi I absolutely love. My go to snack is probably jalapeño artichoke dip from Trader Joe’s with pita chips (yum!) 

  • Which chromotherapy sets the mood for your sauna sesh? I love red (supports circulatory and nervous systems), blue (promotes relaxation used to relieve headaches, colds, stress) or green light (associated with healing) with no other lights on. But most of the time I just shuffle the colors on the auto setting

  • Post sauna shower: hot or cold? Deff cold shower post sauna

  • Which TWR drink best matches/describes your personality? I love the energize. It’s so refreshing and clean. Not too sweet nor bland

  • Favorite thing about working at TWR? One of my favorite things about working at TWR is making the smoothie and recommending products to clients or walk-in customers. But my absolute favorite thing at TWR is creating and brainstorming upcoming drinks—we have some pretty cool things that we are working on behind the scenes ;)

  • Self-care essential you can't live without? Hmmm… do I have to pick just one?! I’d say exfoliating with TWR dry brush and using vitamin c daily as a part of my skincare routine. Most importantly using sunscreen daily (reapply as needed!)

Ashleigh Stewart