Team Tuesday: Meet Brooke

Featured Employee: Brooke

Role: Team Member

  • Astrological Sign? Scorpio

  • Music, meditation or podcast in the sauna? switch off between podcasts and guided meditations!

  • What’s one song you can get out of your head? Right back where we started from -Maxine Nightingale

  • Go-to snack or meal post sauna? Snack: Granola butter bliss balls or meal: spinach salad with red beets, pine nuts, and feta!

  • Which chromotherapy sets the mood the mood for your sauna sesh? Orange

  • Post sauna shower: hot or cold? Cold shower

  • Which TWR drink best matches/describes your personality? Energize - I have so much energy all the time so the name of this one fits me. Also the ingredients make me feel so refreshed and ready to conquer the world.

  • Favorite thing about working at TWR?My favorite thing is the people I work with. I truly enjoy spending my Sundays at TWF because of the meaningful conversations I have with my coworkers. They bring so much light and positivity to my life. I never feel like I’m working when I’m at the wellness refinery. My other favorite thing is that I feel like my health has improved so much working here. Through being educated on wellness practices by my coworkers and also learning about all of the superfoods and adaptogenic powders while I work. After learning about the benefits of these I will continue to include them in my diet the rest of my life.

  • Self-care essential you can’t live without? Wilding beauty - gua sha system. With oil and face tonic spray. (Thanks to Nona)

Ashleigh Stewart